You Are Dangerous

Posted on January 7, 2019 | Posted by Annie Saunders
In a society driven by profit, by individual rights, by security over
community, we who believe that Jesus is Lord are dangerous.
We who care for the poor and for one another in this community are
dangerous to the would-be lords of greed and isolation.
We who first and foremost consider ourselves beloved children of God,
not consumer, tax-payer, are citizen are dangerous to the would-be lords
of commerce and state.
We who profess a faith in God’s love for us and a life that is not
limited by death are dangerous to the would-be lords of merit and
We who profess Jesus as Lord are dangerous. You are dangerous. …
You, armed only with your weird creed, you can shake the foundations of
this world. Knock would-be lords off their pedestals. Show other
would-be believers that there is another way to be in this world. A
light to the nations, as Jesus said. Light in a world of so much
darkness. You are dangerous to this dark world. …
Sisters and brothers in Christ. My fellow weirdos. Jesus is Lord, and
believing that makes you dangerous. May God grant you faith to believe
it and courage to claim it.