Music Ministry

Music is an essential part of our life as Christians and humans. It raises our spirits, comforts us in anxiety and suffering, and speaks to our souls as nothing else can. At Ascension Lutheran Church, we strive to create beautiful music – both as a weekly gift to the congregation, and for the joy and camaraderie it brings to our many musicians.
We have a vibrant musical life with opportunities all generations, skill levels, instruments, and voices. We welcome all musicians who wish to share and improve their gifts over time while we lift our praise to the glory of God!
In our Sunday services, the congregation raises their voices with hymns and liturgy led by pipe organ or piano. Our musicians share additional music of a variety of musical styles, including contemporary worship & praise, classical, gospel, folk, and world music.
Want to get involved?
Contact Scott Christensen, Director of Music at

Chancel Choir
Is open to all singers high school age and older. No training or audition is required; every singer is an important and valued addition to the group. We sing beautiful music of a variety of levels and styles. Rehearsals are in the sanctuary on Thursday nights from 7:15-8:45 pm from September to May. The choir sings at services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month during the choir season. Every November and December the excitement builds as the choir and orchestra prepare and present their annual Christmas Cantata.

Bell Choir
Is a wonderful opportunity for musicians of all ages! The bell choir uses 4 octaves of Schulmerich bells to enrich our services with lively and joyful music of a variety of styles. It’s not uncommon to see the Bells joined by the surprise addition of percussion, household objects, and colorful costumes. Every 4th Sunday of the month, the bells play for Sunday morning services, bringing smiles across the congregation. The bell choir rehearses in the sanctuary on Thursday from 6:00-7:00 pm from September to May.
Children's Choir
The children sing at the beginning of Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:15 am and prepare pieces to sing in service 3-5 times a year, with the highlight of the year being the Children’s Christmas Program every December!

Ascension Lutheran’s Orchestra draws from the talents of our members on a wide array of instruments. It comes together at least once a year to perform with the choir for the annual Christmas Cantata with the Chancel Choir.

Other Ensembles
We are thrilled at Ascension Lutheran to have many talented musicians, youth and adult, who share with us throughout the year by playing or singing solos or performing in small ensembles. Men’s and Women’s Vocal Ensembles perform semi-regularly throughout the year. Our Instrumentalists often provide beautiful music for the 2nd Sunday of the month – whether a string quartet, flute trio, or a solo clarinet. Our Brass Ensemble has been a mainstay for Easter and other special days.

At every service, trained lay members of the congregation lead the congregation in singing the liturgy and hymns. Some of our best singers who are not able to sing regularly in choir love to serve in this way!
Soli deo gloria! (Glory to God Alone!)
Contact Director of Music, Scott Christensen ( or visit a rehearsal, if you are interested in joining any of our musical ensembles or providing special music!