
Worship Times 8:00a and 10:30a (in person and online).
The most important words heard in our worship service come at the altar during communion. “For you.” God’s grace, love, and calling are for you. No matter your age, gender, race, sexuality, income, or sense of faith – we invite you to come and receive these promises of God.
Our worship is rooted in the historic Christian traditions of the liturgy. For us the grace of God through the preaching of the Word and gathering around the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion is central. We respond to God through our prayers, song, and confession of faith.
We want people of all ages to be involved in worship. We have opportunities from young to old to help with the Lord’s Supper, usher, read, or play music. We have a nursery when you need it, but welcome children to join us in worship.
We recognize some might not feel comfortable with public worship, or aren’t able to leave the home to worship. If that’s you, we livestream our services here: