What’s Up, November 22-29, 2020

Posted on November 21, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
What’s UP? November 22-29
SUNDAY 11/22 9:15 AM Online Worship
10:15 AM Adult Education: Gratitude
TUESDAY 10:30 AM Bible Study
WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM Staff Meeting
7:00 PM Confirmation
THURSDAY 6:00 PM Women’s Handbell Ensemble
SUNDAY 11/29 9:15 AM Online Worship-Start of Advent
10:15 AM Adult Ed: Insights from Within
Church office hours: 9am-noon, Monday-Friday: With things in flux, it’s best to call the office first before coming by. 719-634-1694
Worship on Sundays. Join us for worship on Sunday at 9:15 you can go to our webpage or our YouTube channel which also allows for chat.
Prepare for Online Worship: Tune in to online service at 9:10 am for announcements and videos to prepare for worship. Here you will also find each week’s bulletin.
Adult Education via Zoom this Sunday is on learning about how gratitude can positively shape you and finding gratitude practices for your life. Join in at:
In Person Worship Canceled El Paso County has moved to Level 3/Orange in the pandemic, and so in person worship on Sunday mornings is canceled. Our full service will continue to stream online at 9:15 on Sunday mornings at Small group gatherings of 10 or less may continue, so long as the gathering is less than one hour and all participants wear a mask.
Bring Advent Worship home! Each Sunday in Advent we light candles on our Advent wreath, and now you can participate at home. We’ve ordered over 100 simple plates and candles which you can pick up from the church and turn into an Advent wreath to light while you worship online. Swing by the church any time it is open to pick one up for your home. We’ll also have candles available for Christmas Eve worship so you can sing Silent Night by the same candlelight we use in the sanctuary.
Advent 2020 – For Such A Time As This: Advent begins Sunday November 29. We invite you to a season of reflection and prayer practices for the home to prepare for our Savior’s advent among us. More details will be communicated in the upcoming weeks!
Advent Wreaths in the Home: Light the Advent candles in your home each Sunday through Advent. Wreaths, with candles will be provided for members to pick-up before Thanksgiving.
Advent Devotional Booklet available online: Enjoy daily reflections on Scripture readings from Ascension members and friends, November 29 – Christmas Day.
Advent on Instagram: Follow @ascensioncos on Instagram for image-based reflections of Advent.
Christmas Concert Online: Join the Ascension Lutheran Church Choir and musicians in an online program that celebrates Christ among us.
Wednesday Evening Advent Devotions: Join Pastor Dan Holt on zoom each Wednesday evening at 8 PM through Advent. They will be brief – less than 15 minutes with reflection and prayer on the season.
Advent Calendars for Sunday Schoolers: Through Advent, Alisa DesJardin, Sunday School Lead, will be dropping off at homes of Sunday Schoolers a simple Advent Calendar to put together.
Insights from Within Ascension is blessed with lots of interesting people! Pastor Daniel will be interviewing a few in the coming weeks and we invite you to join us to watch and discuss the interviews on Sunday mornings after worship, November 29 and December 13 and 20. On November 29, our interview will be with Tom Johnson! Join us:
Congregational Meeting – Ascension members are asked to join us for a congregational meeting on December 6th to review the budget for 2021 and get an update on the mission and ministries of Ascension. We’ll be meeting after worship via zoom. Attend the meeting by online ( or by calling 253-215-8782 and entering meeting id: 830 7673 7208
Christkindl Fest! Saturday December 12: During this time of distancing, we’re thinking outside the box and drawing on a tradition from the Germans. We pray it’s a fun and meaningful way to safely gather and foster community….or as the Germans would say, “Gemutlichkeit”. Or as Scott Allen said, “It’ll be like the church picnic, just later and maybe much colder!”
Come and enjoy food, gluhwein and more! Festivities will start at 3pm. To be in line with COVID restriction we will be doing RSVPs for this event. For now to help in the planning and prep, please fill out this one question survey:
***We are cognizant of the health of our community and if COVID infection rates increase further, we will abide by state regulations.
Ascension’s Book Club is back! We’re making the switch to reading a novel together. “The Year of Wonders” by Geraldine Books is about a 17th century English town battling the plague. Sound timely? The online discussion of the book will be on December 3rd at 7:30If you want to take part, or want to borrow a copy of the book from the book club set Pastor Daniel has from the library, email him – Hope you can join us!
Attention all those who serve in schools, from teachers, admin and staff positions to those who teach privately to fill out the following form: Know God is with you and you are not alone!
Altar Flower sign up. Since we again are having in person worship we will be returning to having altar flower every week. If you could like to sign up for a specific Sunday please call church and let Ruth know.
Calling all music lovers! Choir will be meeting on Zoom on Sunday mornings at 10:15am. We will enjoy fellowship, games, learning new music, and singing together in the ways that we can. All singers of all skill levels welcome. It’s a fun way to exercise your lungs and voice. Come give it a try! Click here at 10:15.
Sunday School is Happening! Sunday School for K-5th gradershas moved online for the time being! Each week, an email with a video highlighting a Bible story and Sunday School lead will drop off an activity box to families’ homes. The activity box items will also be listed in the weekly email. If you’d like to be included in the activity box drop off each week, email either Sunday School Lead, Alisa Desjardin at or Director of Parish Education, Ellie Urlaub at
Confirmation continues online the first, second and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm via Zoom. at
Ascension’s team of Online Contributors is growing! It’s never too late to sign up to use your God-given gifts to write, capture photographs, participate in online worship efforts and more. Visit:
There is an opportunity to support Rainbow Trail through giving through on Tuesday, December 8th. You can find out more information at their website
Ascension is still collecting gift cards for IHN families. With the holiday season coming up our families could use gift cards so they can have food and celebrate the holiday right! Over $2,600 in gift cards has already been collected for these families. Thank you. For more information our IHN coordinator is Scott Ewen at
Food Pantry Suggestions – We are specifically looking for nonperishable foods; however, items that are rarely picked up from our Food Pantry located outside the church building are packages of pasta and canned vegetables. Any donations of those items will go directly to Mercy’s Gate. No sugared cereals or sugared drinks, please! While the children will happily eat them, they lack much nutritive value. Finally, please do not donate expired food of any kind. Thank you so much for your generous donations!
Backpacks for the CLC kids. We are currently providing 12 weekly backpacks to CLC kids, which helps to supplement food over the weekend. Your continued support is much appreciated. Click on this link for food suggestions. and pick up a few items next time you go to the store. Donations can be dropped off at the church weekdays from 9-1. Financial support for this much needed program is always welcomed as well. Thank you so much for supporting the CLC in this way. Chris Koehler & Kirsten Johnson
Phone Tree: We are scaling back our phone tree to those who would like to keep contacting and being contacted. If you are interested in either, please let John Hayes know. If you are interested in receiving calls or contacts, please let John Hayes know (719 291-3709)
Finally, to stay connected and up-to-date check out Ascension online:
• Website:
• Facebook:
• Instagram:
• YouTube:
• Prayer Request Form: