What’s Up? April 26 – May 3, 2020

Posted on April 24, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
SUNDAY 4/26 9:15 AM Live Worship
10:15 AM Fellowship Hour via Zoom
11:00 AM Confirmation via Zoom
TUESDAY 10:30 AM Pastors Bible Study via Zoom
WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM Bible Study & Prayer via Zoom
SATURDAY 1:00 PM HS Youth Group via Zoom
SUNDAY 5/3 9:15 AM Live Worship
10:15 AM Fellowship Hour via Zoom
11:00 AM Confirmation via Zoom
Church office hours: 9am-noon, Monday-Friday

TONIGHT! Join Sylvia Holt and more for a night of once in a lifetime stories and commercials online to benefit Ascension’s Free Pantry & World Hunger. The show can be seen on Ascension’s facebook page or on Ascension’s Youtube Channel: Donations will be accepted online at
**make sure to select the ‘Ascension’s Free Pantry’ or ‘World Hunger’ option in the drop down menu. You can also drop a check by at the office.
Introducing the evening’s Storytellers: Jim DeLoughry, Stacy Jensen, Ingrid Daniel and Pastor Buntausa Amos from the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria. Not able to watch at 7 pm with everyone? Don’t sweat it. View it at your leisure on Ascension’s Youtube page at:
Thank you to everyone at Ascension for all the prayers, cards and well wishes during my recovery and rehab from COVID-19. I am gratefully at home now. Charles Lewis
Join together in worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Sundays live at 9:15 am on Find the bulletin here:
Sunday after church Fellowship Zoom beginning by 10:15am. Click on the following link: Or phone in at +1 301 715 8592, Enter Meeting ID 929 5299 6923 Password 068086
The 2020 World Hunger campaign received $5,870.00 from Ash Wednesday thru Easter. That is 117.4 goats. Good job Ascension for exceeding our goal of 100 goats.
Wednesday Evenings Continue! We are continuing our Wednesday evening worship beyond Lent. Each Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Dan, Pastor Daniel, and Deacon Mary will lead a short worship experience that includes a conversational Bible Study and prayer practice. You can join us here (password: 800068):
Tuesday Bible Study will meet via Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Pastor Dan Holt by Monday 12 pm at
HS Youth Group: Saturdays at 1 pm, the HS Youth Group meet on Zoom for some fun, prayer and Bible study at: Password744372
Confirmation: The Confirmation class meets Sundays at 11 am on Zoom through May 24th for small group check-ins, prayer and fun!