What’s Up – April 19-26, 2020

Posted on April 17, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Sunday’s bulletin is attached! You can print it and be ready to follow along. You can also open it up on your computer or tablet and have it ready to with you on Sunday at 9:15.
SUNDAY 4/19 9:15 AM Live Worship
10:15 AM Fellowship Hour via Zoom
11:00 AM Confirmation via Zoom
MONDAY 7:00 PM. Contemplative Prayer
via Zoom
TUESDAY 10:30 AM Pastors Bible Study
via Zoom
7:00 PM Board Meeting via Zoom
WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM Bible Study & Prayer
via Zoom
FRIDAY 7:00 PM Online Story Night
SATURDAY 1:00 PM HS Youth Group via Zoom
SUNDAY 4/26 9:15 AM Live Worship
10:15 AM Fellowship Hour via Zoom
11:00 AM Confirmation via Zoom
Church office hours: 9am-noon, Monday-Friday
Thank you so much for supporting our efforts to provide food to members of our CLC and church. We are currently providing 12 weekly backpacks to CLC kiddos, which helps to supplement food over the weekend. We anticipate that this need is going to grow over the next few weeks. Your continued support is much needed. Please see suggested food list at the end of this “What’s Up” and pick up what you can next time you go to the store. Your donations can be dropped off at the church; Arlayne is at the church weekdays from 9-12. Financial support for this much needed program is always welcomed as well. Chris Koehler and Terri Moore
IHN Families: We are gathering grocery store gift cards for IHN families as they are now in IHN sponsored apartments but no longer have food support from churches. You can bring those or mail those to the church. You can give online through Family Promise as well – For more information our IHN coordinator is Scott Ewen at
Thanks for your Generous Response! With over half our giving coming in through the offering plate, we began to quickly fall behind. But because you stepped up with mailing in your offering, we are back on track!
We still have our $200 match going for recurring giving. Sign up for recurring giving through Simply Giving or our webpage Give button ( and some generous folks will give $200 more in match money to us.
If you’d like help to set up recurring giving through the office, call us from 9-noon, M-F – 634-1694. Leave a message as we might have to call you back.
We continue to use or phone tree to keep in touch with each member of the congregation. If you haven’t received a call, let us know so we’re sure we didn’t miss you. These personal contacts are how we stay connected.
Online Story Night: Join in the storytelling fun happening Friday, April 24 at 7 pm on Youtube and facebook to hear stories from Naveen Chandra, Stacy Jensen, Jim DeLoughry, Ingrid Daniel and Pastor Buntausa Amos Sunday from Nigeria. Story night starts at 7 pm, but if you miss it, watch at your leisure at:
HS Youth Group: Saturdays at 1 pm, the HS Youth Group meet on Zoom for some fun, prayer and Bible study at:, Password744372
Confirmation: The Confirmation class meets Sundays at 11 am on Zoom through May 24th for small group check-ins, prayer and fun!, Password167378
Wednesday Evenings Continue! We are continuing our Wednesday evening worship beyond Lent. Each Wednesday at 7pm, Pastor Dan, Pastor Daniel, and Deacon Mary will lead a short worship experience that includes a conversational Bible Study and prayer practice. You can join us here:, Password800068
Tuesday Bible Study will meet via Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Pastor Dan Holt by Monday 12 pm at
Sunday after church Fellowship Zoom beginning by 10:15am. Click on the following link:, Password068086, Or phone in at +1 301 715 8592, Enter Meeting ID 929 5299 6923, Password 068086
Christ in Our Home Devotionals are available at the welcome desk. If you’d rather have one mailed to you, contact the office.
Finally, to stay connected and up-to-date check out Ascension online:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Prayer Request Form:
Food Pantry Suggestions
We are specifically looking for nonperishable foods right now but if you have something special that requires refrigeration, contact Chris Koehler (719-445-0929 or for arrangements.
- Individual containers/pouches of oatmeal
- Small Boxes of Cereal (individual servings)
- Regular size box of cereal
- Individual Fruit cups
- Individual Applesauce cups
- Mac-n-Cheese box or cups
- Pasta meals in a can (Ravioli, Spaghetti-O’s, etc…)
- Soup in a can
- Jar of Peanut Butter
- Jar of Jelly/Jam
- Vegetables in cans or small containers
- Ramen noodles
- Canned chili or stew
- Pasta
- Pasta/spaghetti sauce (small plastic jars or 15 oz cans)
- Canned tuna, chicken, salmon
- Canned beans
- Rice boxes, bowls, pouches
- Granola Bars
- Individual Cracker Packages (peanut butter, cheese, etc.)
- Pudding/Jello in individual cups
- Fruit snacks
- Individual bags of Goldfish, apple chips, pirates booty, pretzels, etc.
- Shelf Stable milk (refrigeration not needed). White or chocolate
- 100% juice drinks