What I Wish I Knew – January 21, 12 PM Zoom Gathering

Posted on January 10, 2021 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Join us for a zoom gathering Thursday January 21, 12 pm – 1 pm at featuring special guest and psychologist, Dr. Tom DeLoughry. Dr. Tom will share strategies to help reduce stress when caring for elderly family members. In addition, Dr. Tom will speak from personal experiences caring for his mother and what he wishes he knew in the process.
Dr. DeLoughry will use his booklet, “Less Stress, Better Health and More Love,” to coach participants, for example, on how to reduce stress, get more support and improve the quality of care of loved ones. This booklet is honored by AARP’s Social Impact Award.
Please RSVP to Karen Rubinow by Sunday January 17 to