What else will the Boomers say? Find out Sunday!

Posted on January 25, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
We will continue our Generation Celebrations featuring the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Sunday January 27, 9:15 am. We’ve got a vibrant group of Baby Boomers at Ascension, about 139 total. We invite you to celebrate with us this special group of people. There will be cake, refreshments, memorabilia of the Boomers on display, and two films featuring both the history that shaped the lives of the Boomers and personal interviews to capture personal reflections of the Boomer’s on their life and faith. And if you’re a Baby Boomer reading this event post and not a member of ALC, we’d love for you to join us in the celebration! Baby Boomers unite!
Generation Celebrations are a part of the Faith Formation for Maturing Adults (FFMA) ministry plan put into place by the trio formerly known as Team Stretch, consisting of Deacon Mary Stoneback, Dr. Elisa Thompson and Jim DeLoughry. The team engaged in a two-year Jonson Certificate Program focused on ministry to Boomers & Elders. The team is now a part of Ascension’s Board of Lay Ministry and in this shared ministry focuses on supporting faith, building community and connecting generations. Please direct any questions you may have about these efforts to Deacon Mary Stoneback @ or cell (303)475-4886.