What Does Healing Look Like?

Posted on November 12, 2018 | Posted by Annie Saunders
I prayed once with a man who had tried every form of treatment that
ailed him. But it hadn’t worked. He was likely going to die. We
prayed for comfort and peace and even for healing, after all, who
knows. Besides, healing is what everyone wanted and it’s good to be
honest with God.
Later that week, the man’s son came to visit. The two hadn’t spoken in
years. One of those fights that seemed so important at the time, but so
small in retrospect. Still, pride kept them apart. But the son came to
the hospital. The relationship mended, at least a little. The man died
not long afterwards, but he died healed.
Whatever healing looks like for you today, I pray that the God of
Elisha, the God of Naaman, the God of the king of Israel and the slave
girl of Aram. I pray that the God of healing will mend what is broken.