What do you hear?

Posted on September 6, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Our lives are filled with noise. Classroom chatter, lectures, meetings, Netflix, video games, the list continues. When is the last time you stopped and just listened? In the silence, what did you hear? Sometimes it might feel intimidating to be silent and the noise in our minds feels unbearable. But if we make room for silence in our lives, we can learn how to hear God better. And in the silence God reminds us we are created to be, not just do.
During Confirmation this week, the class engaged in a group spiritual direction exercise. Over 15 youth and adults practiced listening for what we like to call Spirit pings, places where God says to our hearts to wait and remember that word or phrase you just heard because it’s important. It’s important not just for the hearer but for who is sharing their joy or challenge with the group. It is a word of encouragement and affirmation for how God is at work in that person’s life.
Following the group session, we also spent time reflecting on the experience. Participants were surprised at how different and good it felt to really be heard. As you go about your day connecting with others and in prayer to God consider, “what do you hear?”