Well Enough, by Arlayne McKee: Advent Day 18

Posted on December 18, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Even the small flame of a candle can light up an entire room, enabling one to walk from one side to the other and not stub your toe on a sofa leg or trip on a shoe lying on the floor. Darkness cannot overcome any source of light. My faith in Jesus is my light when life hands me dark times of loss and uncertainty. The shadows are sometimes plenty scary and plenty long, but I can see well enough to keep going. Walking with Jesus in those times has given me gifts that I use in the bright light. Those gifts remind me that he is the light and I am always safe with him.
Dear Lord, the light of our salvation, thank you that we can trust you in the hardest times of life that you will not only help us see well enough to keep going but will catch us when we fall. Thank you that we can trust your gracious, everlasting arms no matter what happens.