Veterans’ Day Shout Out

Posted on November 9, 2022 | Posted by Pastor Dan Holt
A shout out on Veterans’ Day to all our veterans. Thanks for your service! In particular, a salute to Les Frey. He died about 2 months ago at age 99. As far as I know, he was our last World War 2 vet. Les loved to get you in a conversation and tell you stories. I enjoyed his World War 2 stories. He worked at prepping aircraft for flights. He got the job done so well that he became a go-to man for generals. They would call him directly to do the work. They clearly trusted him to get the prep done right so that the aircraft would get them safely where they were going. I always liked that part because that is like our relationship with Jesus – trust him to get the prep work done to get us where we are going – especially that final flight. Pastor Dan