Trust Enough to Hear the Hard Word

Posted on February 18, 2019 | Posted by Annie Saunders
There are weeds growing in me. They are part of me. They are me.
They disappoint me. They disappoint those closest to me. And, it
appears they disappoint God.
And God wants them out. There will come a day when God will
collect the weeds within me and burn them.
And I welcome it.
Ok, so that’s a lie. But with eyes of faith, I
take a big breath and accept it. Because God is at work bringing about
goodness and life. And, when my faith is strong, I trust God to do that
for me, too. I trust God to wield the burning and fire for the good of
this world. And for me.
So, how about you? As you heard the parable of the weeds, as you
heard about the farmer God promising to one day burn up the evil in this
world, in you, did it bring anxiety or fear or dread? Or, perhaps with
eyes of faith, did you welcome the news, or at least accept it?
Trusting in God to wield judgment upon us in service of goodness and
life, can you open your ears to hear the hard word?
I wonder what goodness, what life, God might be creating through you.