A Video Glimpse of Member’s Thoughts about Age

Posted on August 19, 2017 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Recently, a team of youth interviewed members in between services seeking feedback about the challenges they face at this time in their life. This is a part of an ongoing effort sponsored by Team Stretch, a group consisting of Jim DeLoughry, Elisa Thompson and Deacon Mary Stoneback. The team is traversing a Spiritual Formation Certificate program together for Boomers and Elders. Our goal is to lift up and support older adults in their faith journeys and connect the generations in meaningful ways that strengthens faith in Christ for all. Keep an eye out for more projects like these and we look forward to including you in the effort! A special thank you to Emmalee Krieg, Riley Tichenor and Anika Hagen in their video work and editing. Grateful to be brothers and sisters in Christ and moving through life together!