The Lord’s Prayer–A Gift of Words

Posted on February 4, 2019 | Posted by Annie Saunders
The Lord’s Prayer is a gift. It is a gift of words, especially for those of us grumpy about needing words. Not a gift of words as if these were the only ones to pray, as if any other prayer is now unacceptable. And not a gift of words in the sense that these are magical, some sort of incantation that makes God listen to us. God’s already listening, we just struggle to speak. So, we’re given some words we can use.
This prayer is a gifts of words. Words to speak, not to the great God of heaven and earth, creator of all things, who we kneel before in fear and awe, but words to speak to our father, to a loving parent who doesn’t need to hear from us, but is sure glad we felt comfortable enough to talk.
This prayer is a gift of words. Words to speak, not about every small desire within, but abut that big desire, the desire for things to be right in this world, for this world to be more the way it should be. And we aren’t even sure what that looks like, but maybe God is. So we’re given words that ask for God’s kingdom to come, God’s will to be done.
This prayer is a gift of words. Words that speak, not about our fears for the future which freeze us in anxiety or our regrets from the past which trap us in despair, but words about today. About today’s needs, today’s life. Daily bread.
This prayer is a gift of words. Words that speak to the wrong we’ve done, and the right we’ve left undone, the relationships with God and with others that we’ve broken. Words that are so bold as to seek forgiveness for these things – be them trespasses, debts, or sins. But also words that recognize we’re in no place to seek a forgiveness we aren’t willing to extend.
The Lord’s prayer is a gift of words. Words which speak for our tongue-tied heart. Words which also shape our heart, bringing into focus things that really matter. God’s kingdom, daily bread, mended relationships. Words that shape us even as they speak for us.
The Lord’s Prayer is a gift of words. Words that help us to speak to the God who so longs for us to feel like we can talk to our father. Words that help turn us from grumpy heapers of empty phrases, to genuine praying people, people who don’t have to worry about the words anymore. The Lord’s prayer is a gift.