Take Five…

Posted on December 16, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Last week, a website post for tonight’s caroling and chili supper was sent out into the worldwide web. It’s kind of like shouting in the forest, no one really knows what the response to the invite will be until the day of the event. Tonight, however, over 20 Ascension members of all ages joined together to sing songs of the season to homebound members. It was a night of outreach to those we are not able to see as regularly due to a number of factors. Tonight was also a reminder of how outreach is not a one way street.
After praying we headed out into our respective carpool assigned vehicles. And just before loading the cars, a gentleman pulled into the parking lot and asked to join in the caroling. To adjust for the additional caroler, I grabbed my keys and volunteered to drive. Between stops, we connected over music, listening to Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” and talking about God. I learned he had done a simple search on the Internet for Christmas events happening around the town. He had made a comprehensive list of what he would participate in through December and Ascension’s Caroling and Chili Supper made the list. How cool is that!? He had a passion for singing. It was his expression of worship. His enthusiasm was contagious and it reminded me of how fun and uplifting it is to welcome others into the fold. And more than that, how important it is to continue to create opportunities for people to connect and join in. That membership goes deeper than a connection to one particular church, but rather to a community of saints, without walls.
Lord, in this Advent season, your love shines in our hearts. As Christmas draws closer, we marvel at your great love for us. Let your love transform every aspect of our lives and touch everyone we encounter. Amen.
~Deacon Mary Stoneback