SUP Thursday November 21, 12 pm – 1:30 pm: Special guest, Will Stoller-Lee, featuring two short films

Posted on November 13, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Will Stoller-Lee will join us for our November SUP gathering, Thursday November 21, 12 pm – 1:30 pm. He will show the group two short films & lead a discussion following the showing. Will Stoller-Lee is a curator of short films & uses them as opportunities to engage audiences of all ages in conversations that highlight life’s beauty & complexity. Please let Karen Rubinow or Deacon Mary Stoneback, our November SUP hosts, know if you are coming so we can ensure enough food. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Bring friends!
About the Short Films
Two short films will be shown at November’s SUP, Kintsugi (6 minutes) about a Japanese man who takes broken pottery and fills in the cracks with gold and Beneath the Ink (12 minutes) because they cover similar themes of brokenness – taking different approaches to “healing”. As society’s belief systems are seemingly changing, or even reverting in time, one Ohio artist is challenging his community by saying, “bring me your mistakes”. Inspired by recent events, Billy Joe White and his Red Rose Tattoo Studio are promoting one simple concept…ERASE THE HATE. Beneath the Ink is a timely look at hate and racism in the western foothills of this Appalachian region that reveals heartfelt stories of change and redemption.
Mary StonebackDeacon for Faith FormationAscension Lutheran Church719-634-1694 | 303-475-4886m.stoneback@ascensioncos.orgwww.ascensioncos.org2505 N. Circle Dr., Colorado Springs, CO. 80918 |
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