St. Lucy by Ingrid Daniel: Advent Day 13

Posted on December 13, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota, December 13, 1985, 5 am I was lying in bed, half-awake, when I started to hear music – what was going on in my hallway? I peeked out, and got my first view of a traditional Santa Lucia processional. Legend has it that Saint Lucy (Santa Lucia in Swedish), appeared in Sweden, during a famine, and brought food to the hungry. Nowadays, the oldest girl in each household wears candles in her hair, and a white dress with a red sash, and sings a song about her namesake – Saint Lucy.
The song says that, even though things are dark and cold now, light will return to the earth again. In the cold, snowy darkness of my first Minnesota winter, it was a thought that I needed to hear. There is a light, and the darkness will not overcome it! The celebration of Saint Lucy’s Day (December 13) is one of my favorite holidays, because it reminds me of the light of Christ coming into our lives, whether it is through a young girl bringing a sweet treat, or through a baby, born in a manger. May the light of Christ shine brightly in your heart this Christmas!
Dear Lord, kindle your light in our hearts this season. Remind us that the dark, snowy days of our lives can be lightened if we let You bring the light. In the name of Jesus, who is the Light of the World, Amen.
~Ingrid Daniel