Spheres of Purpose, featuring ALC members

Posted on April 11, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Lenten Reflection from 4/10/2019 by Deacon Mary Stoneback
We’ve been talking about living with purpose this Lent. Tonight, I want to invite us to consider how God’s call is personal and moves us to connect with others, in our families and friendships, our workplaces and our communities. God’s call can even move us to connect to the larger world. Luther refers to the places we live out our callings as ‘spheres’. And within these spheres, as Christians, we function as friends, parents, siblings, students, spouses, teachers, nurses, ministers and you fill in the blank…all in ‘the light of the call to love God and neighbor.’
I believe one of the more natural ways to learn about God’s activity in this life is to hear how others are experiencing their faith in Christ in action. So tonight, we’ll watch four video reflections featuring members of Ascension. We’ll hear their personal stories of how they are living out their God-given calls and finding purpose in their daily lives. Following each video, there will be a short silence for reflection. In this silence, consider what each story teaches you about purposeful living and following God’s call. A prayer will be offered after each video, before moving to our next story.
Our first video reflection is from Sadie Hjelmstad, a young mother who is living out her passion in life. (length: 1’30”)
Prayer: O Lord, light of the world. Everybody is different and has their own story. We are grateful that in you, all connections to our neighbors can be meaningful and life-giving. Help us to let your light in us shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. Amen.
Arlayne, Aidan and Cynthia are neighbors who are witnesses to how God works in small and significant ways. (Length 1’50”)
Prayer: O Lord, our encourager, it’s amazing to see how you work in small, significant ways to connect us with one another. We are one body with many members. Thank you that in these connections you help us to grow in your love and grace. Amen.
Next we’ll hear from Calvin, who experiences his faith in action in his community. (length 1’40”)
Prayer: O Lord who sees us through eyes of love and grace, teach us how to be fully present with those we encounter in our lives. In You we live and move and have our being. Help us to recognize and acknowledge the sacred grounds we traverse and extend your love and grace to all we encounter, wherever that may be. Amen.
Our final video reflection features Ryana Holt, a young adult who is steeped in serving God and her neighbor in another country. (Length 2’10”)
Prayer: Lord, Word made flesh, you broke bread with your Disciples and taught them what it means to abide in you and You in them. You have called us to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything You have commanded us. As your Disciples, Lord, we pray that you continue to teach us how to reach out to our neighbors to be justice, to be love and to be grace in this world. Amen.
In closing, I invite you to consider the various spheres in your life. How are you living in ‘the light of the call to love God and neighbor’?
~Brief silence~
Leader: The Light shines in the darkness
All: and the darkness has not overcome it.