Simply Giving

Posted on April 2, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Greetings Ascension family! I am Donna Crump and serve as
congregation President. Our leadership is faced with covering expenses in
a time where we no longer pass the offering plate. Well over half of our
giving comes in through the offering plate. In this time where we cannot
gather in person, online giving is a big help for us.
I understand these are financially challenging times for many of you, and it
looks like our church will be sharing in those financial challenges. The
Executive Committee has tightened up spending and is looking to make
substantial cuts to keep our expenses in line with current giving so that we
don’t go through all of our reserves too quickly.
We have an April spending plan that includes substantial cuts to staff
salaries and our benevolence. We have adjusted our mortgage to make
interest-only payments for the next 3 months. I want you to know, we will
adjust these cuts in line with our giving. My hope is that giving returns to
normal so we can reduce these cuts.
For those of you who can help and normally give through the offering plate,
I ask that you either mail your check or consider online giving. We have
another match campaign to help encourage giving online. A member has
generously agreed to donate $100 to the church for every person that signs
up for recurring online giving. We have two online giving programs.
- First, we have the “Simply Giving” program of automatic bank
withdrawals. The office manager will mail out letters and include a
signup form that you can complete and return to the church. - Secondly, you can go to our website,, hit
the GIVE button to follow the links and instructions there to set up
recurring giving online with either a bank account or credit card. - Alternatively, if you aren’t yet ready to set up the recurring giving
option, you can make a one-time gift online or you can mail a
check to the church.
I am grateful that we have God and each other in this time. I’m confident
that God will lead us through this time of crisis and that we will shine in our faith and love for others.
In His Service, Donna Crump