Share the Light, by Judy Heeren: Advent Day 20

Posted on December 20, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” But, before I could read, as a Kindergarten student, smaller than the other children and painfully shy, I experienced God’s love wrapped in a gentle, loving woman, my Sunday school teacher. The first day I stepped into her classroom, Mrs. Emzee made me feel loved and accepted. With a huge smile and open arms, she welcomed me, “Hello! Come, sit here by me.” When I sat next to her, she put her arm around my shoulders, gently squeezing me. “I’m so glad you’re here. Jesus loves you very much and He wants you to love Him, too.”
From that day on I listened to every story she told me about Jesus. I saw her love for the LORD in her face; I heard her love for Him in her voice. Every Sunday showed me that God loved me. That year I asked Jesus to come into my heart as my Savior. Years later, I could read about God’s love in His Word. But, my faith journey—knowing Jesus as my Savior and LORD and sharing Him with others– began with Mrs. Emzee.
Thank you, LORD, for the faithfulness of Mrs. Emzee and all teachers. By your Holy Spirit’s power may we every day in every way show our children the love of Jesus. Amen.
~Judy Heeren 2013 Advent Devotional, A Light Shines in the Darkness