See and Believe

Posted on May 6, 2019 | Posted by Annie Saunders
In this vision of the sheet full of food and in meeting Cornelius, Peter
is asked to do something different. Peter is asked to look not for the
old or the new, not for tradition or innovation. Peter is asked to look
for God. Peter is asked to see where God might be building faith,
restoring hope, granting life.
And really, that’s what faith is. It’s to see God at work. In
ways big and small. In grand churchy events like baptisms and
communion. In unexpected places like the love of another. In the
moving of your own heart or the moving of another’s. It’s to see God at
work. It can be uncomfortable at times, when you’re pushed to see
something new or stopped still to see something old. When some old hymn
seems to drag for you, or some newfangled church just seems trivial.
But maybe it matters to someone. Maybe God is doing something through it.
And maybe seeing God like that isn’t just what faith is, but it also
strengthens faith. I’ll never forget that woman telling me about her
pew. I’ll never forget that little glimpse she let me have of her
faith. Something I hadn’t thought of before. Something that strangely
strengthened my own faith.
Keep your eyes open, even where you least expect it. You might just see
God. Amen.