Reformation Sunday October 25, 2020 LIVESTEAM

Posted on October 14, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
I look forward to Reformation Sunday every year. We sing “A Mighty Fortress.” We read Psalm 46, a favorite of mine and I get to wear my red sweater! Join us this year ONLINE at 9:15 am,
But of course, Reformation Sunday is about more than the red sweater. It’s also about more than remembering the life and work of Martin Luther, and it’s about a heck-of-a-lot more than lifting up and celebrating some sense of Lutheran culture, that tends to be a bit Euro-centric.
Reformation Sunday is a day to celebrate that God works through the church to bring a message of grace to the world. And, when the church doesn’t do that, God works through brave men and women to reform the church. Reformation Sunday is our chance to remember God’s working across centuries and continents through normal people like us to be the church that forgives and loves and sets people free.
So join us for Reformation Sunday Worship online at 9:15 AM and wear red sweaters…or your red pajamas from the comfort of your homes!
By Pastor Daniel Smith