Reflection: Take another look and see

Posted on December 21, 2017 | Posted by Pastor Dan Holt
I found myself pondering this painting of the Nativity by Tabata Hiroshi. I like how the people are roughly sketched and not the milky white serene faces so often depicted. Mary and Joseph’s eyes are closed and their faces are long and drawn. Joseph faces up like he is wondering what he has got himself into. Mary faces down seeming to bear the burden of travel and birth. I also like how this painting required that I keep looking at it to find what was in it. I had looked several times before I noticed the donkey and a couple more before I realized that there was an angel. It often takes some looking and pondering to notice spiritual things as well. What I came to see in this Nativity was Jesus’ coming in the midst of strained, burdened, and questioning people. May you with your strains, burdens and questions find Jesus born right in your midst. Pr. Dan