Movement Ministry Celebrates One Year!

Posted on September 26, 2024 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Class Times
Mondays, 10:00am–11:00am
Wednesdays, 10:00am–11:00am
Location: 2505 N. Circle Drive, Lower Level

Over the past year, Ascension Church member and coach Laura Rinne has made a significant impact on the local community through her fitness leadership. Rinne has consistently hosted two fitness classes each week, attracting an average of 12–18 participants per session. The program has become a popular resource for community members seeking to stay active and healthy, with steady participation reflecting its growing success. The following highlights Coach Rinne’s and members of the class’ reflection on their one year celebration together.
“This year has been incredible,” shares Coach Rinne. She started the group to boost physical confidence but soon recognized the need for broader support. After becoming a Brain Health Trainer, she focused on both neurological and physical health. The group found that the social aspect was one of the greatest benefits. “We probably spend as much time laughing as we do exercising,” said Coach Rinne.

“Laura’s move classes are first class. She can modify the exercises to accommodate specific needs and also add challenges. For me, the best thing about the class is her encouragement and having fun with neuroplasticity games.” ~Lorada
Laura finds the members’ dedication inspiring. “In fitness, people often start strong and then drop off, but we’ve had members attend over 40 of the 50 weeks this class has been offered!” The group includes individuals ranging in age from their early 60s to mid-80s, each bringing their own unique abilities and challenges. It has also provided Coach Rinne the opportunity to deepen her understanding of orthopedic modifications and adjustments that accommodate a variety of needs. “I feel I’ve gained as much knowledge from the members as they have from me,” she comments.
Participant, Sarah Jane says they’ve all learned from Laura’s ability to challenge their neuroplasticity, making up fun games after their efforts and be sure they enjoy the sociability with each other as well. “Seems like she has an answer for everything but if she doesn’t she’ll be quick to tell you that as well,” offers Sarah Jane.

Coach Laura often hears about members’ “wins” in daily life—like less trouble with stairs, playing with grandkids, reduced pain, or improved ability to enjoy hobbies. “These are the most encouraging moments because I can see our work making a real impact,” says Rinne. Coach Rinne’s goal is to see members’ health improve and positively impact their daily lives. She also hopes to see the group grow beyond the congregation. “We’ve already welcomed some community members, but I’d love to see even more join—enough that I’d have to figure out how to accommodate a large group!” she says.
Coach Laura is grateful to Ascension for giving her the opportunity to provide this service and to the members who put their trust in her every week, adding, “I coach a number of group classes and I can genuinely say this one is the most fun!”
If you’d like to participate in Moment Ministry classes, the group meets Mondays and Wednesdays at Ascension from 10am–11am. All are welcome!