Youth ministry at Ascension Lutheran Church includes middle school youth (6-8 grade), high school youth (9 – 12 grade) and young adults (early 20 somethings). We offer a vibrant mix of learning and service opportunities, gatherings and activities.
Affirmed, Empowered, Engaged
We encourage the youth of ALC to connect their life and faith for service to God and others. We walk with them as they discover their God-given gifts and invite them to be intricately involved in the life of the faith community. Whether serving on a board, involved in planning youth-led worship services, sharing their musical gifts or participating in service outreach, the youth of ALC are deeply involved and valued. Throughout the year, ALC youth enjoy a variety of activities. From zip lining, synod gatherings, Co. Spring ELCA youth gatherings, campfire Bible chats and s’mores, trips to Waterworld, mission trips, service projects and spiritual journey retreats, youth meetups are fun and engaging. For more information, please contact Mary Stoneback (Deacon for Faith Formation) at