Small Groups
Please contact the church office ( or 634-1694) if you need further information on any of the groups.
Ruth Circle
All ladies of Ascension are invited to join us for fellowship and casual Bible Study. If you are new Ascension or just looking for a casual Bible Study group, we hope you will come and join us!
Contact: Nancy Shatto
Meets: 2nd Thursday at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall except for June & July.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
One of the Pastors leads study on Bible or religious topics chosen by group, or scripture for the week.
Contact: Pastors Dan or Daniel
Meets: Tuesday morning at church 10:30 am, except during the summer months.
Thursday Night Serendipity
Six-week studies with topics decided by the group. Meets October through May.
Contact: Rich & Judi Johnson
Meets: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the church
Ascension Artists
Bring your current art or craft project or start a new one & work on it with other creative folks. We share and learn from each other.
Contact: Arlayne McKee
Meets: Weekly Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 at the church in the Fellowship Hall or downstairs
Come play bridge once a month with others who love this card game!
Contact: John & Kathy Hayes
Meets: monthly Saturday night at the church. Actual dates in church bulletin
Dining Out
Group participants take turns selecting the date, time, and restaurant each month. The hosts then make reservations for all those who are able to attend.
Contact: Rich and Judi Johnson
Meets: Monthly on Thursday or Friday nights. Call to add your name to the email list. Actual dates in church bulletin and by email.
Faith Seeking Understanding
We read books that usually address hot-button issues in order to have the civil conversations so lacking in our world. Topics have included race-relations, immigration, faith and homosexuality, and criminal justice. The discussions at the end of each book are friendly, honest, and happen over a potluck! All are welcome!
Contact: Pastor Daniel
Meets: Occasionally. Dates will be advertised in the bulletin, What’s Up, and on the website. Pastor Daniel can also put you on an email list.
Knotty Kneedlers
Bring your latest project and enjoy coffee & fellowship with others while working on it.
Contact: Bonnie Vawter
Meets: every Wednesday at 1 pm in Fellowship Hall
Men’s Breakfast
Get together with other men for fellowship over breakfast.
Contact: Rich Johnson
Meets: Thursdays at 7 am at Big Train Restaurant, 3050 N Nevada.
Quilts for New Beginnings
No experience necessary to make quilts for Family Promise, One Nation and World Relief. We’ll teach you all you need to know. Kits are available for those who would like to contribute but cannot attend.
Contact: Anita Arends
Meets: Wednesdays 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Ladies' Lunch Bunch
Ladies of Ascension meeting once a month to enjoy each other’s company over lunch. There is no age requirement. Please RSVP to Judy Conroy by the Sunday before the lunch.
Contact: Judy Conroy
Meets: 3rd Thursday at 11 am at Mackenzie Place
Walking Group
Walks at various venues.
Contact: Wini Klein
Meets: Tuesdays & Thursdays mornings as weather permits. Please call to confirm special times & locations as they can change from week to week.
Terrace Gardens Bingo
Have fun helping nursing home residents play Bingo and win prizes.
Contact: John & Kathy Hayes
Meets: Terrace Gardens monthly, 3rd Wednesdays from 9:45-11:15 a.m.
Biking, Holy Pedalers
Rides are scheduled most weekends. Group members can sign up to schedule and lead rides. Bike riding is mostly on trails, with some lightly traveled roads. Most rides include a stop for breakfast or lunch in support of fellowship.
Contact: TBD
Meets: Weekly, April – October, weather permitting. Usually, rides are on Saturdays. Time & location by email & in Ascension Office’s What’s up weekly email.
Ascension Outdoors!
Experience the fellowship of other members while going out for an easy hike during the week, taking a weekend off to go camping, taking advantage of fresh snowfall to go snowshoeing, testing your endurance while climbing a 14er, or anything else that celebrates the great creation God has made.
Contact: Aimee Calderon
Meets: Regular outings are not scheduled. Group will be notified by email when an outing is planned. Please contact Aimee if you would like to plan an outing and she will get the word out.