Millennial Generation Celebration, 9/29, 9:15 am

Posted on September 20, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
God has composed the body, the church, so that every member is significant. At Ascension, we’re lifting up the unique voices and gift of each generation through Generation Celebrations. Next up? The Millennials, those born between 1981 – 1996.
A little background history about Generation Celebrations at Ascension Lutheran Church. The Faith Formation for Maturing Adults Team of Deacon Mary, Elisa and Jim, began a two year program in August 2018 to recognize and honor members of Ascension’s different generations beginning with the Greatest Generation, then the Silent Generation, followed by the Baby Boomers in January 2019 and Generation X last March. Each celebration features video’s, treats, personal stories, and items from each generation.
We invite you to mark September 29, 9:15 on your calendar for a fun event only the Millennials can put on. Please join us for a unique intergenerational experience in the basement where we will mix things up, have fun, and experience some of the things that make Millennials who they are today.
We also welcome you to worship with us before the celebration at the 8 am worship service or following the celebration at the 10:30 am service.