Mentors in Ministry

Posted on February 15, 2023 | Posted by Pastor Daniel
At our recent congregational meeting, much thanks was given to Rich G. for his faithful work at the church, especially his work on the property. Rich shares this reflection on his mentors in ministry at Ascension:
Appreciate the thoughtful comments towards me at the congregational meeting last Sunday.
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as I witnessed those before me do much more than I am doing.
When I first started attending Ascension in the very early 1980’s, Don Pflibsen was our custodian. He set up and took down the tables and chairs for the various meetings that took place at the church. Seems as though he provided janitorial services as well. This was no small task either as he had a full time job at Hotsy Corporation and was heavily involved with the Boy Scout troop that the church sponsored. He continued his service until his Parkinson’s disease would no longer allow him to serve.
Dale Brown and Oscar Mazigian were my next mentors that served the church. They were both very instrumental in getting the new sanctuary built while continuing to support the maintenance needs of the church. Their experience with building projects kept the building project from needless pitfalls that might otherwise have been unavoidable. Oscar’s untimely death put a huge hole in Dale’s heart as well as many others in our church community.
Most recently, Floyd Buhler took over the duties of setting thermostats and countless other tasks that were needed in keeping the church structure intact. He was also an invaluable asset in the building project that changed the fellowship hall and the new entry structure that we now enjoy. At the celebration of the conclusion of the project, the church council gave Floyd a pillow and a blanket as it seemed as though he spent the better part of his day at the church.
And there are so many others that deserve recognition for services volunteered and rendered in an effort to keep the church in good shape. They are too numerous to enumerate and some that are unbeknownst to me and known only by God.
There will be others that will be willing to do what is needed to keep the church wheels on the track. God just works that way.
Thanks again and God’s peace be with you, Rich G