Member Reflections: Over & Above for Faithful Community

Posted on October 11, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Hello! My name is Gail Tucker and I’d like say a few words about supporting our mission of creating faithful community. For me a faithful community means being involved in a congregation where I feel a sense of belonging, where I can worship and practice my faith in an environment that is comfortable for me and my family, I can use my music to glorify God, I can grow my faith through Bible studies and Sunday School classes and where I develop lifelong friends who support and uplift me. Additionally, here that means being part of the biking group that goes for rides to breakfast or lunch on Saturdays during the summer, or going out for dinner once a month with the Dining Out group where we share a meal with people from both services, and occasionally even getting to play Bridge and eat snacks with the Bridge Club. Did you notice all the mention of food? What better way to build a faithful community than to break bread together?
I wholeheartedly support our Above and Beyond Faithful Community stewardship drive. None of the things that make this wonderful congregation “a community of grace called to serve” happen without the generous contributions of every member here. As a member of this church I feel I have an obligation to give of myself, my time, my money. Romans 11:36 says, “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” My thoughts on giving were well summed up in Friday’s devotional from Christ In Our Home. Pastor Kathie Bender Schwich writes, “When I place my offering in the plate each Sunday, I do so with confidence that no matter how small it seems in comparison to others, it will be multiplied to enable the many ministries of my congregation, of our synod, and of the larger church.”
I would invite you to prayerfully consider what God would have you give to support our creating faithful community efforts.
Thank you!