Meet Jim DeLoughry, ALC member and Boomer

Posted on January 16, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
We have gifted members involved in leading and serving in ministries at Ascension Lutheran Church. In fact, we can’t do what we do without their God-given gifts and time. One of the hundreds includes Jim DeLoughry. He’s also one of the 139 some Boomers being celebrated on January 27, 9:15 am. If you’re able to join in the fun, stop and say hello! We’ll enjoy cake, sparkling cider and fun videos featuring more of ALC’s Boomer Generation! Here’s more from Jim on his involvement at Ascension and what it means to him to be a part of the ministry.
Growing up in New York City, I could never have anticipated ending up at
Ascension Lutheran Church; but I am so glad I did! After college in New York and
graduate school in jolly old England, I entered the Air Force. My career began at
Lowry AFB in Denver and took me from Southeast Asia to the Middle East to
Europe and throughout the United States. Two assignments to Omaha convinced,
me among other things, that Big Red is not a color in the crayon box! When my
career ended, the family agreed that Colorado Springs was where we wanted to
I first became acquainted with Ascension in 1997 through my wife Alice, who has been a
choir member and active in various boards and ministries. I began working with
the youth in confirmation in 2012 and helping with the Spaghetti Supper Talent
Show two years later.
In 2015 I attended the program given by Dr Richard Johnson at Ascension, and my
life was transformed. He offered a spiritual vision and a roadmap for life after
retirement. The following year, Deacon Mary, Elisa, and I began an incredible
two-year journey in the Johnson Institute’s certificate program in Spiritual
My hope going into 2019 is that our Generation Celebrations help bring together
all ages to appreciate what made each group so unique. We can learn from each
other, recall the challenges we faced, and smile at the crazy culture each
generation embodied. I am proud to be a part of Ascension and feel blessed to be
welcomed by this community of Grace called to serve and create faithful community.