School Kits for Lutheran World Relief

Posted on September 25, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Every student needs paper, utensils & so many more supplies to be able to study & learn. Youth recently assembled & prayed over 100 school kits today that Lutheran World Relief will send out to benefit children all across the world who cannot afford school supplies & without them, cannot afford school. Thanks goes to so many!
To Thrivent for an Action Team grant of $250. To the Endowment Committee for $200 to purchase supplies. To the Wednesday Quilters who sewed over 100 school bags. To Kirsten Johnson who shopped for all the supplies along with Jordan and Riley Tichenor. To the Sunday School students for stuffing the bags with supplies. To Marshall Neilson for his encouragement, support and delivering the boxes to Denver to LWR.
Thanks be to God who has blessed us to be a blessing!
~Sylvia Holt, Project Coordinator