How Will We Respond?

Posted on July 24, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Ascension Lutheran Colorado Springs is dedicated to partnering with organizations to ensure individuals and families will not go hungry in this time of pandemic. Here’s how you can continue to support neighbors in the Springs and around the world.
FOOD PANTRY SUGGESTIONS: We are specifically looking for nonperishable foods right now but if you have something special that requires refrigeration. Please click on the link to see what food is requested:…/outreach/ascensions-free-
pantry/?_thumbnail_id=1895 You can also contact Chris Koehler (719-445-0929 or for arrangements.
FAMILY PROMISE/IHN GIFT CARDS: Ascension Lutheran Colorado Springs is still collecting gift cards for families in the Interhospitality Network program. Over $2,000 in gift cards has been collected for these families. You can give online through Family Promise as well For more information our IHN coordinator is Scott Ewen at
FOOD BACKPACKS FOR THE CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER: We are currently providing 12 weekly backpacks to CLC kiddos, which helps to supplement food over the weekend. We anticipate that this need is going to grow over the next few weeks. Your continued support is much needed. For food needs, visit:…/outreach/ascensions-free-pantry/?_thumbnail_id=1895. Your donations can be dropped off at the church. Ruth, our Church Administrator is at the church weekdays from 9 am-1pm. Financial support for this much needed program is always welcomed as well. Learn more about Ascension’s Children’s Learning Center at
ELCA WORLD HUNGER: Ascension Lutheran Colorado Springs regularly engages in hunger drives & outreach projects throughout the year, including an annual drive through Lent. Visit: and select World Hunger from the drop down menu to make a contribution and join the movement to end world hunger for good and #untilallarefed