Holy Week – One Story Lived Over Many Days

Posted on March 27, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Some things are too big to fit into one day. Some things are too rich to be grasped in one sitting. Some things are too true to be understood, they must be lived. And so we enter into Holy Week, one story told and lived over many days. We began among a people filled with hope in one who might rescue us from death and sin. We waved palm branches and cried out “Hosanna – Save us!” as the one whom we pin our hope on rides by on a donkey. We remember that hope and that cry as we celebrate communion. But we ended the service uncertain of his destination and our role in the story. Join us as we walk the path from the walls of Jerusalem to the lonesome cross to the empty tomb. Join us for the rest of the story! (Written by Pastor Daniel)
Maundy Thursday – March 29, 7:00 pm
We sit in the room with the disciples as they celebrate the last supper, a meal that became the meal of grace, communion, which we celebrate each week, including this evening. Youth of our congregation beginning their ministry as acolytes assist in the service stripping the table of grace of all it’s cloths and adornments and sanctity.
Good Friday – March 30, 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm
The bare sanctuary invites us to the lonely hill on which the cross stands. A service of prayer and silence is punctuated by words from the one on the cross: “O my people, O my church, what more could I have done for you?” Our shouts of Hosanna have faded away, and confronted with our own brokenness we stand around the cross together and say the only words which ring true: “Have mercy on us.” The cross is veiled as the tomb is closed.
Easter Vigil – March 31, 6:00 pm
Throughout the centuries, this day between days has been the time when the ancient stories of the Old Testament are retold and Christians confess their faith. The youth will lead us in this service of new light and baptismal promise. Gathering around that simple light, we hold out hope for life even as the veiled cross looms above.
Easter Sunrise – April 1st, 6:00 am
The truth of this morning rises with the sun. In the span of worship we move from darkness to light, from a veiled cross to an empty one, from a bare table to an altar full of grace. We begin in darkness, we end with triumph.
(Easter Pancake Breakfast – April 1st, 7-8am and 9-10:15am – because … pancakes!)
Easter Worship – April 1st, 8:00 and 10:30 am
Easter lilies and celebration! Choir anthems and Hymns of Praise! Alleluias galore as the truth of the resurrection erupts from every nook and cranny: Christ is risen! We join the first witnesses of the resurrection who came to the tomb expecting the wrappings of death, but found instead life. We return to the table with joy. We sing with exuberance. Death has not won, life gets the final word.