Grace In Action Reflections

Posted on October 3, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
We continue to preach the gracious love of God for people. Transformed by this gracious love, we strive to serve the least ones in our community and across the world. Thank you for your continued financial and volunteer support. The following is a reflection from member, Rich Johnson on what it means to him to be Blessed to be a Blessing.
Blessed to be a Blessing
Let me ask you…Are you blessed?
Do you enjoy happiness, pleasure, or contentment in your life?
What is the source of those benefits?
Perhaps your family…?
How about friends…?
Possibly your job…?
Could it also come from being active in worship, small groups, study gatherings, and even the coffee hour between services here at Ascension? Do you feel Blessed when you come back week after week to this, your church home?
I would consider that being Blessed.
Creating an atmosphere of happiness, pleasure, and contentment for others who are not members of Ascension, but who live in the community, or neighborhood, is possible with your help. It might be a priority when you consider your upcoming giving plan.
Bringing happiness or improving the well-being of others is in turn being a Blessing to them.
Are you Blessed to be a Blessing? Take up the challenge and give generously.
Let me leave you, not with a prayer, but with a Blessing:
God bless to us our bread,
Encourage us to provide food and shelter to those who are hungry,
And a hunger for Freedom, Justice, and Peace by those of us who are sheltered and fed,
God Bless to us our bread.
Take this Blessing and go in Peace