Giving Voice…

Posted on December 26, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of checking in with the Confirmation class in an end-of-the year review. I wanted to see how the semester had been for them. What had they learned and what were their highlights and why? Made up of 6th – 8th graders from Ascension Lutheran Church, Christ the King Lutheran Church and Grace Lutheran Church, I was impressed and encouraged by their responses and hope you will be too. May this glimpse of their gleanings give voice to what God is up to in their lives. Thank you to all who are involved in supporting faith in our youth including; parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, guides, communities of faith, pastors and deacons. We are the village!
- Small groups
- Why? It’s a safe space, we laugh and we have someone to talk with and express our feelings.
- Game Nights
- Why? Fun, laughter and collaboration.
- Reading Scriptures
- Why? Learning new things about the Bible and God, and miracles like the blind guy and Jesus putting mud on his eyes to see.
- Conversations
- Why? We can talk about things we can’t talk about elsewhere.
- Youth Spotlights
- Why? We get to learn more about each other!
What have you learned about God and how your faith and life connects?
- I learned I have more to learn.
- I can trust in an eternal reality.
- There’s more to faith than Sunday morning.
- God is always with us.
- I can talk with God whenever.
- I can watch for God and am more aware of God’s presence everywhere.
Deacon Mary Stoneback