Endowment Fund
Ascension’s Endowment Fund supports our ministry through Ascension. The Endowment Fund funds grants that promote Christian faith, encourage Christian charity and support education for Christian life and service. There is a general fund and two targeted funds—one for youth and one for older adults (Martha Wessels’ fund). The Endowment Fund is overseen by our Endowment Committee. They act as stewards of the Fund and approve grants. There are five voting members elected by the congregation.
How to Apply?
Do you have an idea that you think could promote Christian faith, encourage Christian charity and support education for Christian life and service? Click on the link below to apply for an Endowment Grant.
Application for Grant
Once completed, please download and email the PDF form to the Endowment Committee at endowment@ascensioncos.org. Please note: Each grant application must have a sponsoring Team Director. Questions? Please call (719) 634-1694 or email office@ascensioncos.org.
Give to the Endowment
The Endowment Fund is glad to accept gifts. They promote the Great Birthday and Anniversary Gift-Away Program. In this program, members are encouraged to celebrate these milestones by giving an amount equal to the number of years to the Endowment Fund. They also can receive gifts of cash, securities, bequests, life insurance, and real estate. They can even receive gifts that provide a stream of income through things like annuities, charitable remainder trusts (including unitrusts, annuity trusts and testamentary trusts), and charitable lead trusts.
Download the Endowment Fund Guide to Gift Giving
If you are considering a gift, you are encouraged to seek advice in order to craft it to fit your personal situation. The staff of the InFaith Community Foundation or Thrivent Financial are great resources for this.