Generation Celebration Nov. 4: The Silent Generation (1929-1945)

Posted on November 2, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
In a first for Ascension Lutheran Church, an entire generation of members has raised their voices to protest their description as Silent. It began when it was announced that the next generation celebration for the church on November 4th would be to honor and celebrate those members born between 1929 and 1945. They were identified by Time magazine as the “Silent Generation. “ This was chosen as they came between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers, and rather than rocking the boat, focused on traditional values, hard work and playing by the rules. They have been eminently successful and a bridge to the prosperity we have today. This generation is also called the “Builder Generation” and the “Traditional Generation.” Please join us on the 4th in between services to watch a video about this generation , share refreshments with them, and listen to stories about what life was like growing up in the 30’s 40’s and 50’s. There will be two showings of the movie featuring members of ALC, one at 9:30 am and another showing at 10:00 am.
See you Sunday November 4 for fellowship hour and a special celebration!
Your Faith Formation for Maturing Adults Team: Deacon Mary, Elisa Thompson, and Jim DeLoughry, and the Board of Lay Ministry