From Member to Pastor, Gabrielle Brown Reflects

Posted on October 16, 2024 | Posted by Mary Stoneback

Ascension Lutheran is grateful to celebrate with Gabrielle Brown in her upcoming Ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament, October 19, 3:30pm at Ascension Lutheran Church. Bishop Meghan Johnston Aelabouni will preside and Rev. Tim Keyl will preach. Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is red. A reception immediately following. All are welcome!
Deacon Mary recently asked Gabrielle to reflect and share her thoughts on her faith journey as she prepares for her Ordination and Installation as Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church here in the Springs.
Q: Can you share how you first recognized your calling into ministry?
I first became aware that I just had to share the gospel when I was a young adult, but it was not the right time. My faith formation was in its earliest stages. Over the years I served in my congregations, and now and then would feel a reminding tug. I’d push it aside or argue with God; my understanding that women could not be ordained was reinforced by a few church leaders along the way. And then, the time was right. At Synod Assembly, every rostered leader I spoke to offered encouragement as I discerned; Deacons Mary Stoneback and Kristen Saathoff helped me to seriously consider entering seminary. Pastors Dan Holt and Daniel Smith had played an integral role in my formation by example, compassion, and grace. I would not be here without the generosity and support of Ascension in Colorado Springs, Bethlehem in Los Alamos, NM, St. John’s Episcopal and Holy Trinity Lutheran in Dubuque IA, Bethesda Lutheran in New Haven CT and the ELCA Fund for Leaders. My husband Dave had been supportive through all the years, and was willing to accompany me on the journey. Friends, classmates, faculty and my advisor at Wartburg, my internship supervisor, pulpit supply congregations young adults I worked with during internship – these and so many more
Q: What has been the most surprising aspect of your journey toward serving as a Pastor?
I was worried that I wasn’t adequately prepared for the academic rigor of a graduate program at seminary. Instead, it turned out that my engineering brain had to realign to a new way of processing. My first assignment, a reflection paper, had me shaking in my boots! I’ve come a long way.
Q: What insights have you gained about God, yourself, and others through your ministry experience so far?
God accompanies us on every step of our life journey, and works through relationships and ordinary experiences, both distressing and joyful. Every time I felt overwhelmed or unequipped, something or someone would enter the picture unbidden and lift me – the Holy Spirit at work! God’s love and unconditional grace restores us through the holy spirit, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – this gospel, and the call to love our neighbor and care for creation are what I am privileged to share as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.
Q: What excites you the most about leading and serving the people at Grace Lutheran Church?
I am excited to foster Grace’s vision to continue becoming a church that is vibrant, vital, diverse, and engaged. I look forward to supporting the ministries and mission of Grace – to invite all to thrive in God’s Grace and Love – as we grow community, engage with our neighbors, and share the Gospel. At Grace, all are not just welcome, but invited to the table ond the promise in the water of baptism – no matter what. I am encouraged by the love and enthusiasm and, well, grace here at Grace! Sharing the good news, living the gospel, loving one another, and growing relationships with our neighbors – what a privilege to serve the vibrant faith community that Grace personifies!
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Friends at Ascension – you have been a blessing and a gift to me; from the moment I entered the doors for the first time I knew I’d found my church home. I am grateful for everyone one of you!
Gracious and Loving God,
We come with joy and gratitude as we celebrate the ordination of your servant, Gabrielle. Thank You for calling her to serve your Church and placing in her heart a love for you and your people.
Bless Gabrielle with wisdom, courage, and compassion. Guide her by Your Spirit in every decision and action. Strengthen her in trials, refresh her in weariness, and remind them of your presence. May she continue to lead with humility, serve with grace, and reflect your love. Bless the congregation and community of Grace Lutheran Church and the life of the whole church in this special time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.