From Feast to Famine

Posted on February 16, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Next week, we begin our Lenten journey. Ascension invites you to begin this sacred journey with two nights of food and worship, followed by weekly Soup Suppers and Lenten services. Check out the following opportunities to gather, reflect and worship. Invite a friend!
Shrove Tuesday (Mardi gras): Join us on Tuesday February 25, 5:30 pm – 7 pm for a pancake supper, complete with homemade bacon! Bring your favorite dessert. We’ll eat, worship and have some fun! A special thank you to the Youth Board for hosting.
Ash Wednesday Services: Join us for Ash Wednesday services on Wednesday February 26, 12 pm or 7 pm. you are invited to worship to receive an imposition of ashes and holy communion.
Weekly Lenten Soup Suppers & Lenten Services: Our weekly Lenten services begin on March 4 – April 5. The theme for this year’s Lenten services will be focused on living purposefully and discerning God’s call in our lives. Potluck soup supper start at 6 pm (bring a soup or side to share) and the Holden Evening Prayer Service is at 7 pm.