First comes the fire…then the ashes

Posted on March 7, 2018 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Encouragement for this Lenten journey from Pastor Dan Holt about this week’s Ezekiel text and from Grace Lutheran Church member, Sharon Pope.
Wednesday March 7
Ezekiel 37:1-14
First comes the fire, then the ashes. That is the way the world works. But God has a way of turning things around, creating a new perspective. Ezekiel was in the middle of a valley filled with dry bones, dead and done. The Lord asked, “Mortal, can these bones live?” Ezekiel answered, “O Lord God, you know.” And God brought the bones back to life, putting on muscle, sinews, and flesh. Then as Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, breath came into them and they lived.
God takes dead, dried bones—ashes really—and brings them to life. The Holy Spirit gives life and purpose to us, with holy breath and tongues of fire, as he did with the apostles on Pentecost. When we think we have nothing to offer, when we feel dried up and done, when our hope is lost, God breathes new life into us. New life to be God’s people, to do God’s work in his kingdom, to know God is with us.
Prayer: Dear Lord, when we feel dried up and burned out, put your Spirit within us. Only you can bring fire and life out of ashes. Bring fire out of our ashes, that we may live more fully in you. Amen.
~Sharon Pope
Grace Lutheran Church