Family Promise Annual Fundraiser

Posted on September 6, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Did the cover photo catch your attention? It did me, but not as much as the following statistic. Did you know that this year more than 2.5 million children will experience homelessness? That’s a huge number, with a huge need and you can help to decrease that number.
Join walkers and runners this coming Sunday September 7 for the annual Family Promise walk and fundraiser. All donation are greatly appreciated!
Meet at St. Stephen’s and Grace Episcopal Church, located at 601 N. Tejon, at 12:30 pm. The walk/run will begin at 1 pm. Chose a shorter or longer route, your choice.
Family Promise of Colorado Springs is on the front lines helping to deliver life-saving services to help get families back on their feet again. We hope you can join members of Ascension Lutheran Church and others from the Springs to stand at the start line together and walk for a purpose.