Faith Formation Toolbox: Experience faith, leave equipped to support others

Posted on March 14, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Sign-up Today for the FREE faith formation workshop Saturday April 6 at Ascension Lutheran Church at
*Sponsored by Thrivent Financial and Ascension Lutheran Church.
David and Gloria Anderson, Co-founders of Milestones Ministry have over thirty years of experience working with faith communities in the U.S., Australia and Canada. Milestones Ministry provides an essential congregational tool for faith formation and outreach in the twenty-first century. For the home, Milestones Ministry nurtures the Christian faith, strengthens relationships, and creates the kind of bond that promotes meaningful memories for years to come. Visit the Milestones Ministry website at
Morning Workshop, 10 am – 12 pm
The Whys and Hows of Faith Formation: Are you a volunteer, ministry professional, pastor or Deacon working in your church? Are you a parent seeking to raise your children in the faith? Or, do you work with a team dedicated to faith formation? This workshop is for you!
In this workshop, the Andersons will cover the Five Principles and Four Key Faith Practices to guiding others in faith formation. You’ll leave with practical resources, tools and practices that you can easily share and implement in your ministry context or home that supports others in faith. Participants will also learn of ways to guard against burn out and fatigue as a ministry professional and volunteer.
Join us for a Free, catered lunch at 12 pm with the Andersons.
Afternoon Workshop, 1 pm – 3 pm
Want to dive further into the content shared in the morning’s session? Join the Andersons for an afternoon session. They’ll put into practice the morning’s learnings and you’ll leave with practical ways to put faith practices into action in your congregation, home or workplace.
**To help in preparations, please sign-up by March 29. Contact Deacon Mary Stoneback with additional questions at or (303)475-4886