COVID-19 and Faithful Community

Posted on April 14, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
In this time of pandemic, life has changed dramatically for Ascension Lutheran, but our mission has not. In God’s grace, we continue to create faithful community, just in new ways.
We have worship every Sunday at 9:15 in our sanctuary and online.
Our sanctuary service will have the same order you are used to, but we have added a few precautions to keep everyone safe. If you are fully vaccinated (two weeks past your final dose), you don’t need to wear a mask. If you aren’t yet fully vaccinated, please wear a mask to church the whole time you are inside. With Covid cases rising, we will ask everyone to wear a mask in the county’s incidence level rises above 200/100,000 people. Also, please keep 6 feet from others while inside. We’ve changed how we serve communion to keep everyone safe, and it should be easy to follow.
We also stream our worship service live on our website. Our online worship service will include everything you’re used to in worship, including communion which you can participate in from home. A downloadable bulletin is available each week, and visitors and members alike can fill out the connection card.
Other online and outdoor worship opportunities are also be available at various times, so stay tuned.
Other Activities
Many of our other church activities have resumed in person with masks for those who aren’t fully vaccinated and physical distancing, while some have moved online. Check in with each event or group or call the church office to see how it is being held. When the weather allows it, some might also meet outside, where masks are optional.
Board directors and small group leaders, click here for guidance from our Congregation Planning Council.
Staff and the facility
Most of our staff will still be working at the church. However, we do ask that you call ahead before coming by, in case we are working from home. And, of course, if you aren’t fully vaccinated, please wear a mask when you come.
Children’s Learning Center
Our Children’s Learning Center (CLC) remains open. When the local schools are closed, we are also providing care for students who are attending school online, but aren’t able to be home alone.
As you can imagine, this crisis is leaving many in need. We’ve been supporting CLC families and others with food, and we’ve been supporting Family Promise families with gift cards and donations. The ways we care for our neighbor will likely evolve through this crisis, so stay tuned for how you can help.
Financial Support
Finally, moving to a mostly online community is a challenge financially as many aren’t able to give during worship anymore. If you are able to support the ministry of Ascension, please mail in a check to the office, or give online. You can set up recurring giving there as well.
It is tempting to give in to fear and anxiety in this time. It is tempting to turn inward. But we believe God has called us to join together and care for our neighbor. And we believe God has given us what we need to heed that call – unending grace and the supportive community. Join us in this ministry.
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Romans 15:5-6
God bless,
Ascension’s Executive Committee
Donna Crump, President; John Hayes, Vice-President; Russell Johnson, Treasurer; Chris Koehler, Secretary; Pastor Dan Holt; Pastor Daniel Smith 5/27/2021