Christmas Happenings at Ascension Lutheran Church

Posted on December 13, 2017 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
As we walk this Advent journey together, there are continued invitations at Ascension to reflect and worship in anticipation of our Savior’s birth! Mark your calendars for the following upcoming happenings:
Friday December 15, 10 am: The Children’s Learning Center (CLC) presents “The 12 Days of Christmas”
Saturday December 16, 4 pm: Caroling & Chili Supper (Meet at the church at 4 pm and we’ll carpool to home bound member’s homes and nursing homes to sing tunes of the season. Bring chili and the fixings for a meal following caroling)
Sunday December 17, 8 am & 10:30 am: The Cantata, a musical journey through the story of Christ’s birth as presented by the Ascension Lutheran Church Choir, under the direction of Worship Director, Megan Miller
Sunday December 24, 8 am & 10:30 am: Christmas Eve Morning Services
Sunday December 25, 4 pm, 6 pm & 8 pm: Christmas Eve Services