
Message from Director

Message from Director
Thank you for considering Ascension Children’s Learning Center for your childcare needs. As a parent I understand the challenge you face when looking for the best childcare available for your child. As a childcare professional, I can ensure you the ACLC teaching staff and I are dedicated to providing your child a caring environment with an exceptional educational experience.
Your child’s wellbeing matters to us. We work to ensure that your child is ready both academically and socially for their upcoming school years and given the tools they need to be successful. Each day our children are offered learning experiences that allow them to explore the world around them and make discoveries that excite them in ways only a child can know!
In addition we pray that we are planting seeds that will nurture each child’s faith in God so that they will share this love they have for God with others.
Learn to play, Play to learn!
Teresa Adams

Our Curriculum
The Storybook Journey is a literacy based curriculum. The lesson plans created from the story offer a world of learning experiences while supporting a child’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. Each week we learn a letter of the alphabet and work to develop the following key skills and concepts:
Music and movement: singing, dramatic play, and dancing
Math: sorting and counting, matching numbers, cooking and measuring activities, and graphing
Science: growing plants, learning to care for animals, mixing colors, magnets, magnifying glasses, sinking and floating objects
Creative art: doing projects with a variety of materials: finger-paints, watercolors, tempera paints, glue, scissors, play-dough, markers, crayons, and pencils
Language arts: books, storytelling, puppets, acting out stories, creative writing, pre-reading skills
Large and small muscle: climbing, running, balls, building, sand and water play, pouring, puzzles, and others
All of this in a Christian environment with a Bible lesson each week!

Purpose and Philosophy
The staff of the ACLC strive to provide an enriched environment that meets the social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs of the students. The staff, families and community work together to provide the foundation for lifelong learning.
- We strive to provide a warm, caring, Christian environment in which children can feel safe while developing intellectually, emotionally, and socially. We want each child to grow to his/her full potential by acknowledging and accepting his/her uniqueness and individuality.
- Ascension Children’s Learning Center has a primary goal of providing a comfortable, safe, and stimulating environment, to effectively meet the needs of children. The teaching staff strives to build a respectful classroom community while simultaneously meeting individual needs of the children within the group setting.
- We are committed to promoting and supporting all aspects of a child’s growth in an atmosphere of respect. Your child is an individual who is an integral member of a group and whose uniqueness is acknowledged and appreciated by that group.
- The development and training of staff is a continuous process, which includes attending workshops, listening to guest speakers, and frequent discussions. The staff is encouraged to visit other programs and to take classes related to child development.