An Invitation to Holy Week – Online

Posted on April 6, 2020 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
Some things are too big to fit into one day. Some things are too rich to be grasped in one sitting. Some things are too true to be understood, they must be lived. And so we enter into Holy Week, one story told and lived over many days. This year, we enter Holy Week in a whole new way, virtually. And while we recognize this will feel like a different kind of Holy Week, the invitation is the same. We invite you to gather in your homes and experience the hope we have in Christ Jesus in the midst of the unknowns, trusting that the path from the walls of Jerusalem to the lonesome cross to the empty tomb is not the whole story. Join us online for the rest of the story!
Maundy Thursday @ Home Worship– April 9, 6:00 pm (or at your leisure)
We invite you to gather in your kitchens, dining rooms, eating nooks or wherever you eat. When your supper is ready, click play and participate in an Agape Meal. We will commemorate the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his Disciples on the night before he was crucified. The video will be featured here beginning at 12 pm on Thursday for you to view as you are able.
Throughout the meal, you’ll be invited to sing, listen, pray and share in your homes and online. We also encourage you to take a picture of your time in worship and email it to Deacon Mary at
Good Friday @ Home Worship – April 10, 12 pm or 7 pm (or at your leisure)
Seven congregations in the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod Southeast Conference have come together to offer a Good Friday experience for an online worship service of the last seven words of Christ, from the cross as taken from the Gospels. Blessings to you this Good Friday.
Easter Sunrise @ Home Worship – April 12, 6 am (or at your leisure)
The High School youth are eagerly working on a Sunrise service for the Ascension community! This year’s service is based off of the Gospel reading from Mark 16:1-8. HS Senior Jordan Tichenor and Sophomore Millie Bramschreiber will give the sermon and they invite you to come and hear how in faith there’s tension and resolve and it doesn’t always look like we think it does.
Easter Worship livestream– April 12, 9:15 am
Alleluias galore as the truth of the resurrection erupts from every nook and cranny: Christ is risen! We join the first witnesses of the resurrection who came to the tomb expecting the wrappings of death, but found instead life. We return to the table with joy in our homes. Death has not won, life gets the final word.
We will also celebrate communion for the first time in a month, have bread and wine or grape juice ready.
Join us for a livestream worship at:
Here’s the bulletin for Easter Sunday:
Zoom Easter Fellowship Hour – April 12, 10:15 am
We may not be together but we can still see and chat with one another! Join your brothers and sisters of Ascension in an Easter Sunday Zoom Fellowship Hour, following the service at 10:15 am. Log-in on your computer or phone at: Password: 055228 Can’t join via your computer? Call in at +1 301 715 8592 US and use the following Password: 055228
New to Zoom? Check out the following tutorial videos for more information: