Ageless Ambassadors?

Posted on November 11, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
What Are Ageless Ambassadors At Ascension?
The primary message of Faith Formation for Maturing Adults (FFMA) at Ascension Lutheran is this: Across the lifespan, our lives have value in the eyes of the Lord and God continues to call us. In other words, part of God’s good news is that no matter what society tells you about aging, God values you and wants to fill your life with purpose.
This message is hard to hear against the loud societal clamoring that power and value belong to the young. To help disseminate this message at Ascension and into our communities, FFMA is launching an Ageless Ambassadors program. The Ageless Ambassadors are a group of 6 Ascension members who will be working through Dr. Richard Johnson’s book, The Twelve Keys to Spiritual Vitality: Powerful Lessons on Living Agelessly. In this book, Dr Johnson addresses 12 steps readers can take to align their thoughts and actions with God’s perspective on the aging process. Topics include: Transforming your attitudes about aging, Live in the Now, Accepting your True Self, Celebrating your Faith, and Discovering Deep Meaning in Your Life.
The group will meet 3 times over the next four months to discuss each chapter and how its message might be applied to their lives and the Ascension community. The hope is the Ageless Ambassadors will carry God’s good, but often unheard, message about aging into our church culture and activities. If you have questions or would like to know about future opportunities to engage in an Ageless Ambassador group, please contact Deacon Mary Stoneback, Jim DeLoughry, or Elisa Thompson.
Peace and blessings!
Your FFMA Team, Elisa Thompson, Jim DeLoughry, Deacon Mary Stoneback