Advent Devotional by Lisa Coltrin: Tuesday December 3, 2019

Posted on December 3, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
When I reflect on all the ways that light has come into my life, it brings up a lot of different emotions:
Happiness – from the sunlight of a new day ahead, especially on a weekend or vacation day
Shock – from the overhead bedroom light, jolting me awake in the middle of the night and accompanied by the words, “Mom, I don’t feel very well!”
Comfort – from the warmth that can only be provided by the firelight,
when frigid temperatures have chilled me to the bone
Guilt – from one of the rare days when the sun is up before me, and I think about the time I have lost
Relief – from when the sun comes out to melt the ice on the roads on which my loved ones will be driving on this day
Regret – from when the sun comes out to melt the awesome backyard snow friend
built on an unexpected snow day
Hope – from the Christmas lights, shining through the darkness of a recent time
change, signaling that joy of this season still shines through our longer hours
of darkness
Dear Lord, thank you for being the light that shines right through the window of my soul, lighting up all the areas of pain, sorrow, fear and regret. Help me to remember your presence during dark and challenging times. Help me to rejoice in the comfort and hope of your love, highlighted by the birth of Jesus, sent for all people…your gift of unconditional love! Amen.
~Lisa Coltrin