Advent Devotional by Kathy Mannerburg: Thursday December 5, 2019

Posted on December 5, 2019 | Posted by Mary Stoneback
A Light Shines in the Darkness. We’ve all experienced degrees of darkness, sometimes for a brief time, other times for extended periods. It can come on suddenly like an explosion knocking us off our feet or creep in wrapping its tentacles around all the spaces that used to be light and happy and safe. I’ve experienced both as many of us have; sometimes when the phone rings… when the police show up at the door…when you see a Facebook memorial…when “not feeling good” gets worse. I recall a time when I found myself in a very dark place, feeling very scared, vulnerable, alone, uncertain, and more very scared. I did not see a light in my darkness and found myself facing questions I didn’t think I was capable of having in my mind and heart. The light that eventually began to shine came in a very unexpected place. When I couldn’t pray or know how to believe, I found my childhood bedtime prayer to be that small source of light and warmth.
Dear Father in Heaven look down from above. Bless Mother and Father and all those I love. Amen.
~Kathy Mannerburg